Mindfulness Yoga Groups

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Considering yoga and mindfulness groups for you-your TEEN/children?

Group therapy and Yoga based groups are a place for children and teens to get further support often as an adjunct to individual therapy but this is not a prerequisite. Typically these groups can last anywhere between 8-12 weeks at a time and meeting between 1-3 hours a week. Currently the groups are held online but this is subject to change. For more details please inquire at [email protected]


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How one step beyond counseling can help you/ your child/teen with mindfulness and yoga

FOR TEENS: These groups are typically 8 weeks in length. I will lead these groups as an experienced mindfulness based counselor and certified yoga instructor. This space is safe and confidential. We will be using techniques of mindfulness throughout our time together. We will explore and discuss anxiety and its effects on one another in our daily lives while learning tools for social development and relationships.

FOR CHILDREN: These groups are typically 10 weeks in length. I will lead these groups as a mindfulness based therapist and guide the children through hands-on skill building activities to boost confidence, self-control, manage anxious feelings and enhance sense of community and social skills. This space is safe and confidential.
